showing 1 game

namepublisher(developer)year arrow_downwarddescription
Pirates!  Microprose1988This is the same game from the Amiga, but slightly different. This game was long and fun, but other people could say different. It acted slow with the sailing and the old fighting. You had a joystick with two buttons, so not much was done in the game other than talking and sorting boats and booty and sleeping with the governer's daughter, but the time was interesting and you were provided with some background about it all. It could be played from different periods, all within the same period, which made it educational more than a 'witty option for all you hardcore gamers'.
Treasure hunting and conquest actually required you do write some things down on a pad and scan around for things.
For a game 15 years old, I could stay play it to this day. That is, of course, if I could find it. Pirates! Gold on the Genesis doesn't do this justice at all.